August 2024 Meeting Minutes

August 2024 Meeting Minutes

August 19, 2024

Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 7:33 pm by Grand Knight (GK) Joe Tarallo. 

Warden’s Report

All present were in possession of a current membership card.

Opening Prayer

Opening prayer was led by GK Joe Tarallo.

Pledge of Allegiance

Salute to the flag was led by the council members.

Chaplain report

There was no chaplain report as the Chaplain was not present.

Minutes of the Previous Meeting

Minutes of the previous meeting were accepted on a motion by Wally Krake, seconded by Chip Sturm, approved with a unanimous vote.

Grand Knight’s Report (Joe Tarallo)

Infrastructure projects almost done:

  • Lighting almost done
  • Wifi is done
  • Back room looks great

Recap of recent donations and events

State Convention May 15-18 – need to get representation. We will be helping plan.

  • Daily Convention Agenda
    • Thursday night just gathering
    • Friday – Mass, wreath laying and awards, Federation Meeting
    • Saturday – business and election, Mass then banque

We will be hearing more

RTL – First Saturday mass and March at St. Marguerite in Morristown. Long Valley sponsoring trip to Trenton.

Federation Golf outing – still spots available

POW Vigil September 20-21st.  Looking for two people to participate from our Council

Vet’s Summer Fest Sept 22nd.

Treasurer’s Report (Wally Krake Jr.)

The Bank statement was sent to trustees.  A copy can be obtained upon request.

Please remember that bingo funds our operations so we must continue to watch over and protect the business.

Membership Report (Chip Sturm)

We will keep recruiting.

Financial Secretary’s Report (Gerard Petrocelli)

Financial secretary’s report is emailed in advance to Trustees for approval of expenditures.

Program Reports – Led by John Watral

Bingo (Mike Mallon) – Avg 90 or so per week. Need more help getting started. Trying to keep Intermission to 10 minutes.  

Soup Kitchen (Lenny Martin)– 79 meals and 42 takeouts.

Blood Drive (John Watral) –  At the August 10 drive we collected 134 products. 129 people registered – 94 whole blood, 20 double. Scholarship was awarded based on performance. Next one is December 7th.

Christmas Wreath Drive (Gerard Petrocelli) – Staring up – Profit goes to Food for Families. Only make about $6 per wreath.

Girls Soccer Booster Drive (Gerard Petrocelli) – September 14th.

RTL (Gerry Kaufhold) – Bus deposit of $1000 to Mendham Council will be used for the January Bus trip to Washington.  September 26th RTL March in Trenton. Long Valley running a bus. Let Jerry know if you are interested.

Charity Mania (Tom Rohe) – Need to sell tickets. Biggest Fund Raiser outside of Bingo. Tom to distribute website for sales.

Lighting project (Tom Rohe) – Getting there. Spending more money than we anticipated. Next date is Saturday of Labor Day.

Fourth Degree (Tom Rohe) – Meeting tomorrow night. October 19th at St. Theresa Succasunna Pasta Dinner. $18 a head. $35 a Family. Sunday Nov. 10th Veteran’s breakfast at Flanders hall.

Soccer Challenge – Mike Zincone will be running in September.

Squires (John Watral) – 3 new squires joined. Maybe a rafting trip in September. Craft Vendor sale in November. Trunk or Treat in October.

District Deputy #36 August 2024 Report

  • Mt. Olive Council #6100 (Meeting 08/19/2024)Star Council Award Progress
Awards Progress (as of 6/4/2024
McGivney AwardFounders AwardColumbian Award
Membership Goal: 8 members; to date, 0 Prospect List Candidates: 1Financial Benefits Seminars Quota: 2; to date, 0 (Form #11077) # Members attending: 0; Req’d: 14Service Program (SP 7) due 6/30/25

OLM Prospect List: 2: Michael Liccone (6/7),

Safe Environment Program (As of 7/8/2024)
Grand Knight, Program, Community, Family Directors, SquiresNone
Other Criteria (Forms Submitted and Per-capita compliance)
Forms 185 (6/30)/ 365 (6/30)/ 1728 (1/31)/ 1295 (2/15)/ 990 (5/15)/SP-7 (6/30)Per Capita Compliance Balance
185-Yes/365-Yes/1728-Yes/1295-Yes/990-Yes/SP-7-YesAs of 8/1/2024: $224.75
  • Current & Upcoming Events
    • Please schedule your Council’s Officer Installation Ceremony.
    • Tues, 10/1: St. Lawrence the Martyr Church is hosting a pilgrimage to Sight & Sound Theater to see Daniel. Cost $189/pp. Includes bus, tickets & lunch. Contact Bob Holl for Info.
      • Reminders
    • The Free Online Membership Code BlessedMcGivney remains in effect.
    • To complete and submit Form #10784 at the end of each completed program.
    • Submit Form #11077 for all Financial Benefits Seminar attendees.
    • Fraternal Assistance is available at any time for a Brother Knight in need.
      • General
    • Please continue to provide spiritual and financial support to the CPCs through ASAP and the Ultrasound Initiative, our needy families and Food Pantries through the Helping Hands and Food for Families Programs, our teens through the KofC Scholarships, and to your deacon candidates, seminarians and religious novices through our RSVP program, and please acknowledge their sacrifices through letters of appreciation. For any Council that donated to ASAP, please ensure you complete the ASAP paperwork to get the $100 matching from Supreme (
      • Fraternal Leader Advisory (FLA) (4/18/24)
    • Review for upcoming training sessions and featured Programs.
      • August Religious & Civil Rights (R&C) Talking Points highlights from Dr. Dan Rossi, PSD:

This month’s talking and informational points for discussion and prayer focus on the charge we have received from our Supreme Knight, Patrick Kelly, that the Knights of Columbus must strive to be “First in Faith and Charity.” Our top priority must be strengthening Catholic men as followers of Christ. Bishop Sullivan at the opening Mass of our state convention discussed how Saints Peter and Paul, filled with the Holy Spirit, became the founding fathers of our church. Saint Peter was specifically commissioned by Christ “to feed and care for the flock.”

The Supreme Knight Patrick Kelly in a recent address at the annual dinner of the John Carroll Society spoke about evangelization and the responsibility of the laity for the mission of the Church. Evangelization is what drove Blessed Michael McGivney to establish the Knights of Columbus and it must be what drives our mission today. The Knights of Columbus do what we do to spread the faith; to attract others to the Lord and His Gospel. As Pope Francis reminds us, we need to be missionary disciples.

Our Cor program creates the space for every Catholic man, Knight or not, to join in prayer, faith formation, and fraternity. Through Cor, our Order can become first in faith as we are in charity. Please implement Cor in your parish.

Faith in Action Supreme Programs

Faith  Family  Community  Life  
Into the Breach2 Consecration to Holy Family  Helping Hands  Aid & Support After Pregnancy* 
Pilgrim Icon  Food for Families2 Coats for Kids2 Novena for Life  
Holy Hour / Eucharistic Procession2 Family Fully Alive2 Global Wheelchair Mission2 March for Life2 
 Family of the Month / Year2 Habitat for Humanity2 Special Olympics2 
RSVP2 Family Prayer Night2 Catholic Citizenship Essay Contest  Ultrasound2 
Build the Domestic Church  Family Week  Disaster Preparedness  Christian Refugee Relief  
Spiritual Reflection2 Good Friday Family Promotion  Free Throw Championship  Mass for Special Needs People  
Rosary  Keep Christ in Christmas  Soccer Challenge  Pregnancy Center Support/ASAP2 
Sacramental Gifts     Hockey Challenge  Silver Rose  

Complete and submit Form #10784 at the end of each completed program (online 5 minutes).

For a list of the State Council Programs reference www://

Blue Highlighted Programs are referenced in the FLA as programs to begin planning no

State Secretary Report (Jim Sweeney) – State Secretary was not in attendance.

Unfinished Business

  1. Motion to donate up to $2,500 to help support the Colon family purchase a Hoyer Lift for Rinaldo Colon was made by Reader and seconded by Chip Sturm – Second Reading Passed Unanimously

New Business

  1. Motion to donate $500 to Project Purple for Pancreatic Cancer research in memory of Sal Lo Iacono was made by John Watral and seconded by Lenny Martin – Passed Unanimously
  2. Motion to spend up to $500 to cover additional costs and supplies for the Parish Center lighting project was made by Tom Rohe and seconded by Dan Fuller – Passed Unanimously.
  3. Motion to Support the State retreat in October by reimbursing any Knight who attends $75 for up to ten people ($750) was made by Lenny Martin and seconded by Gerry Kaufhold – First Reading Passed Unanimously.
  4. Motion to spend up to $200 for a farewell dinner for Shawn Mickus and his wife was made by Chip Sturm and seconded by Lenny Marin – Passed Unanimously.
  5. Motion to donate $250 to the CJD Foundation celebrating the life of Gary Halliwell, who passed away from Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD), a rare, rapidly progressive neuro-degenerative disease, was made by Gerard Petrocelli and seconded by Chip Sturm – Passed Unanimously.
  6. Motion to donate $500 to Women’s Cornerstone to help offset the costs of the event was made by Dan fuller and seconded by Gerard Petrocelli – Passed Unanimously.
  7. Motion to allocate 1/3 of Charity Mania proceeds to the Trade Scholarship program for this year. 1st Tom Rohe, 2nd Gerry Kaufhold – 1st Reading Passed Unanimously.

Good of the Order

The Good of the Order was directed by Don Campbell. 

Closing Prayer

Closing prayer was led by GK Joe Taralllo.

Attendance: <20 people.

Meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm.

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