August Officer’s meeting moved to 8/8
Due to vacation schedules, I am moving the Officer’s meeting back one week. Please let me know of any agenda items ahead of time.
Due to vacation schedules, I am moving the Officer’s meeting back one week. Please let me know of any agenda items ahead of time.
This Brother Knight joined our Order on March 2, 2019. He is a parishioner at St. Jude and a fixture at both the daily and the 12:00 masses where he serves as an usher. He has taken up the mantle, previously held by his father, and makes sure that everyone is greeted warmly at the…
Brothers, Hi. I hope all is well with you and your families. I am reaching out to you to remind you that the Paterson Federation Knights of Columbus Mass for Life will be held on October 28, 2023, 8 AM, celebrated by Bishop Kevin Sweeney. The Mass will be held at St. Margaret of Scotland…
Brothers, Cecilia, one of our bingo players, relies on her daughter to bring her to and from bingo. They live in Morristown. Her daughter is looking for help to bring her home a few times per month and is willing to pay $50 for your trouble. If you are willing to help her out once…
Brothers, We have the first reading of two motions being proposed that have a significant impact on our council. The first is a motion to allocate up to $9000 to purchase an ultrasound machine for a Crisis Pregnancy center in Wayne. There are few opportunities for our council to make a stand for life that…
Please considerer helping Daniel FullerGrand Knight There’s work to be done, let’s get to it