August Officer’s meeting moved to 8/8
Due to vacation schedules, I am moving the Officer’s meeting back one week. Please let me know of any agenda items ahead of time.
Due to vacation schedules, I am moving the Officer’s meeting back one week. Please let me know of any agenda items ahead of time.
Brothers, We are going to try and do something different this month. We will have pizza and drinks at 6:45 before the business meeting on 8/15. The meeting will start at 7:30 as usual. We will be saying the rosary at 7:15. If you have not been to a meeting in a while please stop…
Anyone interested in going to the Respect Life Mass at the cathedral on Saturday 11/19 should meet in the church parking lot at 9:00. We can carpool from there. Mass starts at 10:00.
Brothers, We have the first reading of two motions being proposed that have a significant impact on our council. The first is a motion to allocate up to $9000 to purchase an ultrasound machine for a Crisis Pregnancy center in Wayne. There are few opportunities for our council to make a stand for life that…
Th Following motions are being proposed for our August Business meeting:
Brothers, Our Decmeber Business Meeting will be held at the Parish Center on Monday December 20 at 7:30. Please consider joining us, especially if you have not come to a meeting in a while. We would all love to see you there. Rosary will start at 7:00!