April 2024 Meeting Minutes

April 2024 Meeting Minutes

April 15, 2024

Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 7:32 pm by Grand Knight (GK) Dan Fuller. 

Warden’s Report

All present were in possession of a current membership card.

Opening Prayer

Opening prayer was led by GK Dan Fuller.

Pledge of Allegiance

Salute to the flag was led by the council members.

Chaplain report

There was no chaplain report as the Chaplain was not present.

Minutes of the Previous Meeting

Minutes of the previous meeting were accepted on a motion by Bob Jacobs, seconded by Tom Rohe, approved with a unanimous vote.

Grand Knight’s Report (Dan Fuller)

  • We have received some feedback on bingo and ask that those working bingo do not argue in front of our patrons.
  • The Council has been getting good recognition from clergy and parishioners and recent investments have had a positive impact on the parish’s religions instruction.  This will help grow the Council.
  • Through the various blood drives that we have hosted, we have built a reputation as one of the best places to donate blood.
  • Chair project – the project has been completed after 4 nights and, with the help of the Council and other parishioners, we refurbished over 130 chairs and with the help od Don Campbell, repaired the speakers in the parish center.  Thanks to all that came out and worked on this project.
  • The Eucharistic Procession is generating lots of interest.
  • Thanks to the Trustees.  We will have a reading of the slate of officers for the 2024-2025 Columbian year next month. 

Treasurer’s Report (Wally Krake)

The Bank statement was sent to trustees.  A copy can be obtained upon request.

Membership Report (Chip Sturm)

There are a few prospects, but nothing concrete at this time

Financial Secretary’s Report (Gerard Petrocelli)

Financial secretary’s report is emailed in advance to Trustees for approval of expenditures.

Program Reports – Led by John Watral

Bingo (Mike Mallin)– Doing well.We just paid out one of the progressive jackpots. The other carried over $3,200 to next week. We will need help setting up this weekend, including setup on Friday morning.  We have been getting some new players and some older players are returning.  We will be issuing a survey to determine which games are preferred. We need to address the late completion times (after 11pm).  For those working on the floor, please use the wireless microphones.

Soup Kitchen (Lenny Martin)– nothing to report.

Blood Drive (Gerard Petrocelli) – The blood drive this weekend was much more efficient that the last drive. We collected 163 blood products (following 167 in January).  Thanks to the donors and to all those who volunteered their time, advertised, brought a friend, helped set up, etc.  We need a crew to put away the tables and chairs.  Next drive is June 8.

Chairs Project (Mike Sabella) – We successfully refurbished 135 chairs  We had 15 volunteers helping on the third night and 14 on the fourth night, so we were able to complete in only 4 nights. The chairs look good!

Respect Life (Gerry Kaufhold) – We had a great response for the diaper drive and were able to fill a car with only half of the donations.  Donated items will be distributed to Care Net in Hackettstown and Birth Haven in Newton.  If anyone in interested in helping with the delivery, contact Gerry. 

On June 12/13, we will be having a baby shower with the Rosary Alter Society to collect diapers, clothes, etc.

Special Citizens Drive (Dan Fuller) – will be held on April 20-21 at Tractor Supply and the Budd Lake Diner.  We will also have a tent at the town-wide garage sale at Turkey Brook from 9:30am – 2pm.

Corpus Christi Eucharistic Procession (Don Campbell) – Will be held on June 2 and all Knights are invited to participate.  Mike S, is getting the word out. All is moving along and we have a great plan. Thus far, we:

  • Drafted invitation and ceremony
  • We are reviewing resources needed to make sure that we have what is needed and that it works.
  • Will be creating a memento card to commemorate the event.
  • Are working with Susie DosSantos and Mary Hill on how to engage the youth of the parish.
  • Need to pull together the “day of” support.
  • Need Knights to carry the Monstrance and torches during the procession.

State convention will be held in Wildwood on May 17-18.  Tom Rohe will be doing hospitality.  We need 4 bingo prizes.  We are looking for 2-part prizes, like glasses and whiskey, or tea cups and a tea pot.  Value should be $50.

Lighting project (Tom Rohe) – Permits have been approved and issued.  We just need to coordinate with the parish to schedule the installation of the new fixtures. Will need teams of 5-6 volunteers per day.

Fourth Degree (Tom Rohe) – Greetings from Bob Holl. There will be a meeting tomorrow – all are welcome to attend.  Saturday 4/20 is the semi-annual pasta dinner at St. June in Hopatcong.  Admission is $17 per person, all you can eat.  Proceeds will be used for veteran programs.  Please consider coming.  Gluten free options are available, just let us know in advance.

Squires (Tom Rohe) – We added one additional member, so we now qualify.  We will be expanding to St. Elizabeth.  We will be participating in the Tank Pull for the 14th consecutive year to raise money for veterans.  One Squire has earned the rank of Eagle Scout and will receive a congratulatory letter from the Grand Knight.

Easter Egg Hunt – was a lot of fun for the kids.  Thanks to Easter Bunny Bob Jacobs!

Space Force Flagpole – There was a recent photo-op for the flagpole that the Council sponsored at Turkey Brook.  There will be a formal dedication with the governor on May 27. The memorial at Turkey Brook is the only place in NJ with all 6 branches of the Armed Services represented. There will be an upcoming article in the Mt. Olive Life community paper.

District Deputy Report – The District Deputy was not present at the April Meeting but provided a report via email as follows:

District Deputy #36 April 2024 Report

  • Mt. Olive Council #6100 (Meeting 04/15/2024)Star Council Award Progress
Awards Progress (as of 4/3/2024
McGivney AwardFounders AwardColumbian Award
Membership Goal: 8 members; to date, 3 Prospect List Candidates: 2Financial Benefits Seminars Quota: 2; to date, 1 (Form #11077) # Members attending: 13; Req’d: 14Service Program (SP 7) due 6/30

Membership: Prospect List CUF Candidates: 1: Robert Marsac (3/10, Ricardo Espinola (3/19)

Safe Environment Program
Grand Knight, Program, Community, Family DirectorsSquires Program
Other Criteria (Forms Submitted and Per-capita compliance)
Forms 185 (6/30)/ 365 (6/30)/ 1728 (1/31)/ 1295 (2/15)/ 990 (5/15)Per Capita Compliance
185-Yes/365-Yes/1728-Yes/1295-Yes/990-TBFBalance as of 4/1/2024: $0.00
  • Current & Upcoming EventsApril 14: 4th Degree Exemplification Parsippany Sheraton; please consider an Ad-JournalMay 17-18: NJ State Council Convention in Wildwood; please consider an Ad-JournalRemindersThe Free Online Membership Code BlessedMcGivney remains in effect.To complete and submit Form #10784 at the end of each completed program.Submit Form #11077 for all Financial Benefits Seminar attendees.Fraternal Assistance is available at any time for a brother Knight in need.GeneralEach council is to appoint an Evangelization & Faith Formation Director and submit his information on the EFF/COR registration form was due 3/22. This Director should be treated as the same as the Membership and Program Directors.We are reminded that the KofC is the right-hand of the Church. Our mission is to be a conduit by receiving support from the hands of God’s people and placing that support into the hands on those on the fringes, those who desperately need our support. With that in mind, the Paterson Federation is asking each council to commit to supporting the Father English Center redevelopment initiative with financial support over the next 4 years. Anything the Council can afford to give them will help provide food to families who need our help.
  • Please continue to provide spiritual and financial support to the CPCs through ASAP and the Ultrasound Initiative, our needy families and Food Pantries through the Helping Hands and Food for Families Programs, our teens through the KofC Scholarships, and to your deacon candidates, seminarians and religious novices through our RSVP program, and please acknowledge their sacrifices through letters of appreciation. For any Council that donated to ASAP, please ensure you complete the ASAP paperwork to get the $100 matching from Supreme (KofC.org/ASAP).
    • Fraternal Leader Advisory (FLA) (4/4/24)
    • Review kofc.org/training for upcoming online sessions; GKs & Trustees – start thinking about your members who might assume leadership positions for the next fraternal year; suggested FIA programs – ASAP (kofc.org/ASAP), Global Wheelchair Mission (American Wheelchair Mission), Eucharistic Procession (kofc.org/Eucharist)
      • March Religious & Civil Rights (R&C) Talking Points from Dr. Dan Rossi, PSD highlights:
    • Focus is on the abhorrent practice of human trafficking. The talking points reaffirm that our fraternity stands in solidarity with the Church in denouncing this practice; we call upon all nations to enforce strong laws to bring perpetrators to justice; and we pray, through the intercession of St. Josephine Bakhita, for an end to all forms of involuntary slavery.
    • KofC Call to Action: Reach out to our NJ senators and representatives to indicate our support for bill S-920, International – and HR-5856, Frederick Douglas – Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2023. Also, please remember to pray at least one decade of the Rosary prior to your monthly meeting from April to December. We ask Mary’s intercession to encourage our elected and appointed government officials to take action to protect human life, from the womb to the tomb.

State Secretary Report (Jim Sweeney) – State Secretary was not in attendance.

Unfinished Business – None

New business

  1. Motion to spend up to an additional $2,000 for the Corpus Christi Eucharistic Procession on June 2, 2024 made by Bob Jacobs and Seconded by Gerry Kaufhold.  First ReadingPassed Unanimously.
  2. Motion to spend up to $250 for additional materials, including protective feet for the chair project – tabled for now while we research the cost for footers that are still needed.
  3. Motion to donate $250 to the Celiac Foundation made by Gerard Petrocelli and seconded by Shawn Mickus .- Passed Unanimously.
  4. Motion to donate $250 to Parkinson’s disease foundation made by Chip Sturm and seconded by Don Campbell – Passed Unanimously.
  5. Motion to donate $250 to the Market Street Mission made by Gerry Kaufhold and seconded by Rob Marsac – Passed Unanimously.
  6. Motion to donate $250 to Domestic Abuse and Sexual Assault Intervention made by Gerard Petrocelli and seconded by Tom Rohe – Passed Unanimously.
  7. Motion to provide a matching donation of up to $500 for funds raised by Squires Circle 2192 on behalf of the annual tank pull challenge which supports our veterans made by John Watral and seconded by Tom Rohe – Passed Unanimously.
  8. Motion to donate $200 for the American Diabetes Association at the Andrew Petre Golf Outing made by Gerard Petrocelli and seconded by Wally Krake III – Passed Unanimously.
  9. Motion to donate $250 to Multiple Sclerosis Foundation made by Chip Sturm and seconded by Lenny Martin – Passed Unanimously.
  10. Motion to donate $250 to the Friends of Lighthouse pregnancy resource center made by Gerry Kaufhold and seconded by Shawn Mickus – Passed Unanimously.

Good of the Order

The Good of the Order was directed by Ricardo Espinola. 

Closing Prayer

Closing prayer was led by GK Dan Fuller.

Attendance: 19 people.

Meeting adjourned at 8:35 pm

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