Christmas Party Date Correction
The email that was previously sent out was wrong. The date for the Council Christmas party is December 3rd. Hope to see you there.
The email that was previously sent out was wrong. The date for the Council Christmas party is December 3rd. Hope to see you there.
On April 24th, our Council, led by Chairman Gerard Peterocelli, held a blood drive at the St. Jude Parish Hall. There was a great turnout and the drive was credited for 119 units of blood donated. That included 83 whole blood donations and 18 Alyx platelet donations. The Alyx donations count as two units. There…
August 14, 2023 Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 7:31 pm by Grand Knight (GK) Dan Fuller. Warden’s Report All present were in possession of a current membership card. Opening Prayer Opening prayer was led by Grand Knight (GK) Dan Fuller. Pledge of Allegiance Salute to the flag was led by…
Wow!! Twenty-Four + Years In July 1996 John Girvin became Grand Knight of our Council. He was editor of our newsletter since taking over the task from Bill Nolan in August 1992. One evening in early July 1996 John invited me to his home to ask if I was interested in becoming editor of our…
33 A woman’s decision to abort her first pregnancy carries a lifetime of risk of adverse events, the results of a longtime study say. “A woman’s first pregnancy shapes the course of her life,” stated Tessa Longbons, Charlotte Lozier Institute (CLI) senior research associate. “That’s my key takeaway from 17 years of data.” Longbons was…
Brothers, There will be a Respect Life Mass at St John’s Cathedral in Paterson at 10 am on 11/19. Bishop Sweeney will celebrate the mass. This is a Paterson Federation event and I hope you can help represent our Council and show our support. Dan
It’s that time of the year again to be looking at scholarships. Information and applications for all council scholarships listed below can be obtained online at our Council 6100 web site. These scholarships are open to HS Seniors entering college in the fall. The submission deadline for all scholarships is April 21st. Council 6100 Scholarships –…