Finishing Lent with a Bang

At the March Business Meeting during the “Good of the Order,” I mentioned that at the State Convention a couple of years ago the guest speaker was Fr. Rocky, the founder of Relevant Radio.  The reason I mention this is that I loaded the Relevant Radio App on my smart phone and have been listening to the daily programming or by using some of the special features such as the Rosary led by Fr. Rocky.  If you click on the PRAY icon on the upper right corner of the app display, it takes you to many prayer opportunities but the ones I have used the most are: the blue Rosary icon (with music), the Mother of Sorrows Devotion, and The Chaplet. And beginning on Monday and each day of Holy Week, Fr. Rocky hosts a program called “Close to Jesus to the Last.”  I previewed it and I highly recommend it as a final step in your Lenten journey to the Cross with Jesus. 

From my wife Mel and me, we wish you a very blessed and joyous Easter! Alleluia! He has risen!


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