Knights of Columbus Business Meeting Minutes August 15, 2022

Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 7:36 pm by Grand Knight (GK) Dan Fuller.

Warden’s Report

All present were in possession of a current membership card.

Opening Prayer

Opening prayer was led by Grand Knight (GK) Dan Fuller.

Pledge of Allegiance

Salute to the flag was led by the council members.

Roll Call of Officers

N/A- per new format

Chaplain report

There was no chaplain report as the chaplain was not present.

Minutes of the Previous Meeting

The minutes of the previous meeting were accepted on a motion by Tom Rohe seconded by Joe D. and accepted by a unanimous vote.

Membership Report (Chip Sturm)

  • Membership drive Sept 9, 10 (Now moved to the week after).

Grand Knight’s Report (Dan Fuller)

  • We need bingo help!
  • The next general meeting will be at Enzo’s on Sept 19.
  • The state retreat is from Oct 22-24.

Treasurer’s Report (Wally)

The bank statement was sent to the trustees – a copy can be requested by request.

Financial Secretary’s Report (Gerard)

Financial secretary’s report is emailed in advance to Trustees for approval of expenditures.

Program Reports – Led by John Watral

Blood Drive report (Gerard) There will be a blood drive held on Aug 20th.

Bingo report (Mike Malon): We need help to get bingo started on time.

We have had a few technical difficulties running bingo, but overall, bingo is going well.

Soup Kitchen report (Lenny): August 30th is the next event in Dover.

“Charity Mania” report (Tom Rohe)

  • Tom Rohe must have tickets by Sept 9th to activate them!

Disability drive report (Sean): Disability Drive dates are Oct 8th and 9th as of now, and we are looking for volunteers.

Squires report (John Watral): The squires are trying to decide on a good meeting day for their September meeting.

Unfinished Business

Second readings:

  1. Amended Motion to approve Council 6100 support of PJ Farruggia in the amount of $300 per month for his commitment and participation as a missionary for FOCUS (Fellowship of Catholic University Students) for one year. Second reading passed unanimously.

New Business

NEW Motions:

  1. Motion to donate $250 to the Budd lake first aid squad. Made by Tom Rohe and seconded by Chip Sturm. Passed unanimously
  2. Motion to subsidize up to $75 for 10 Council 6100 members for the annual state retreat. Made by Gerard and seconded by Joe L. Passed unanimously
  3. Motion to donate $250 to Men’s cornerstone. Made by Tom Rohe and seconded by Gerry Kaufold. Passed unanimously
  4. Motion to spend up to $50 for USCCU Rosary Prayer cards. Made by Jerry and seconded by Lenny. Passed unanimously
  5. Motion to donate up to $500 for Deacon John Sanker’s repass. Made by Joe Diana and seconded by Sean Mickus.  Passed unanimously
  6. Motion to donate up to $250 for Deacon John Sanker’s family dinner. Motion made by Chip Sturm and seconded by Sean Mickus. Passed unanimously

Insurance Agent Report

  • No insurance report

District Deputy Report (Bob Hull)

  • Prayers to Deacon John Sanker’s family
  • We need to push for membership
  • There is a picnic scheduled for Oct 1st
  • There is a pride and priest dinner on Nov 21st

Good of the Order

The Good of the Order was conducted by Larry.

Closing Prayer

Closing prayer was led by Dan Fuller.

Meeting adjourned at 8:41pm

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