May 2024 Meeting Minutes

May 2024 Meeting Minutes

May 21, 2024

Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 7:31 pm by Grand Knight (GK) Dan Fuller. 

Warden’s Report

All present were in possession of a current membership card.

Opening Prayer

Opening prayer was led by GK Dan Fuller.

Pledge of Allegiance

Salute to the flag was led by the council members.

Chaplain report

There was no chaplain report as the Chaplain was not present.

Minutes of the Previous Meeting

Minutes of the previous meeting were accepted on a motion by Tom Rohe, seconded by Bob Jacobs, approved with a unanimous vote.

Grand Knight’s Report (Dan Fuller)

  • I had the privilege of attending the State Convention and note that we are in good shape.  Brother Jim Sweeney will remain State Secretary for the coming year. We need to have good attendance next year to support Jim.  The convention will be the third Friday/Saturday in May (5/16-17/2025).  Our State has made the Council of Honor.  All councils are growing.  One council has achieved 1,400% of its growth target.
  • The Wiegant Farm Golf Outing will be held on June 17 at Crystal Springs.
  • The Eucharistic Procession is in need of volunteer participation on the day of and day before.  Please sign up in the Narthex.  This is not just parish event, it will be open to broader community.  Plans are progressing well. We are being supported by Fr. Antonio and Deacon Tony.
  • We will be having a reading of the slate of Officers for the 2024-2025 Columbian year later.  Thanks to all who have volunteered to serve as officers.
  • Council 6100 membership drive – please ask anyone you know.
  • Bill Nolan has been a big part of the Council for many years.  He has recently fallen and broken his hip.  For those that know him, please call or visit to check in.
  • Please keep Tish Rohe in your prayers.
  • Old Bingo boards need to be taken down.

Treasurer’s Report (Gerard Petrocelli for Wally Krake Jr.)

The Bank statement was sent to trustees.  A copy can be obtained upon request.

Please remember that bingo funds our operations so we must continue to watch over and protect the business.

Membership Report (Chip Sturm)

There are a few prospects, but nothing concrete at this time

Financial Secretary’s Report (Gerard Petrocelli)

Financial secretary’s report is emailed in advance to Trustees for approval of expenditures.

Program Reports – Led by John Watral

Bingo (Mike Mallin) – We will be holding a bingo committee meeting before next month’s business meeting to discuss changes to the program resulting from feedback from Bingo patrons.

Soup Kitchen (Lenny Martin)– nothing to report.

Blood Drive (Gerard Petrocelli) – Next drive is June 8. Advertising is underway.  Please help solicit donors for the drive. In April, 163 blood products were donated after more than 160 in January.  Council 6100 received the top award presented by the NY Blood Center.  Thanks to Gerard for his leadership.

Respect Life (Gerry Kaufhold) – We will be holding our baby shower with the Rosary Alter Society to collect diapers, clothes, etc. on June 22/23.  There will be a March for Life in September.   

Special Citizens Drive (Dan Fuller) – we were able to raise $2,100 this year to distribute to Special Olympics, Brother McEntee and Patterson.

Scholarship Program (Dan Fuller) – there were 4 winners for this year’s scholarship program.  There were no applicants for the trade scholarship. We should reconsider the qualifications going forward.  Applicants had virtually no religious activities.

State convention will be held in Wildwood on May 17-18.  Tom Rohe will be doing hospitality.  We need 4 bingo prizes.  We are looking for 2-part prizes, like glasses and whiskey, or tea cups and a tea pot.  Value should be $50.

Lighting project (Tom Rohe) – Permits have been approved and issued.  We will begin installation this weekend and are looking for guys to help, Saturday at 9 am.

Fourth Degree (Tom Rohe) – There will be a meeting and elections tomorrow – all are welcome to attend.  The focus of the Fourth Degre is support of veterans.  Saturday 4/20 was the semi-annual pasta dinner at St. June in Hopatcong.  We raised $1,100 for vets.  Next dinner will be at St. Theresa’s in Succasunna on 10/19/2024.

Squires (Tom Rohe) – The Squires are alive and well and have an induction ceremony upcoming. There are 3 active councils now and 4 councils are looking to start a Squires Circle.  We will be participating in the Tank Pull on 6/9/2024 for the 14th consecutive year to raise money for veterans. 

Space Force Flagpole – There will be a formal dedication on Monday. The flag will be raised at 7 am and dedication will be at 10 am.  Please attend if you can.  

District Deputy Report – The District Deputy was not present at the May Meeting but provided a report via email as follows:

District Deputy #36 May 2024 Report

  • Mt. Olive Council #6100 (Meeting 05/20/2024)Star Council Award Progress
Awards Progress (as of 5/15/2024
McGivney AwardFounders AwardColumbian Award
Membership Goal: 8 members; to date, 3 Prospect List Candidates: 2Financial Benefits Seminars Quota: 2; to date, 1 (Form #11077) # Members attending: 13; Req’d: 14Service Program (SP 7) due 6/30

Membership: Prospect List CUF Candidates: 1: Robert Marsac (3/10, Ricardo Espinola (3/19)

Safe Environment Program (As of 5/15/20240
Grand Knight, Program, Community, Family Directors, SquiresNone
Other Criteria (Forms Submitted and Per-capita compliance)
Forms 185 (6/30)/ 365 (6/30)/ 1728 (1/31)/ 1295 (2/15)/ 990 (5/15)Per Capita Compliance
185-Yes/365-Yes/1728-Yes/1295-Yes/990-TBFBalance as of 5/1/2024: $0.00
  • Service Program – Form SP-7 due 6/30 but suggest Council submit as soon as possiblePending ItemsNeed 1 member (not 1 of the 13) to attend 1 FBN to meet your goal.If your prospects are unavailable or unreachable, please reject them and put them back on the state roster.Current & Upcoming EventsSlate of Officers for CY 2024-2025 to be presented at May meeting; vote to be held at June meeting.RemindersThe Free Online Membership Code BlessedMcGivney remains in effect.To complete and submit Form #10784 at the end of each completed program.Submit Form #11077 for all Financial Benefits Seminar attendees.Fraternal Assistance is available at any time for a Brother Knight in need.GeneralPlease continue to provide spiritual and financial support to the CPCs through ASAP and the Ultrasound Initiative, our needy families and Food Pantries through the Helping Hands and Food for Families Programs, our teens through the KofC Scholarships, and to your deacon candidates, seminarians and religious novices through our RSVP program, and please acknowledge their sacrifices through letters of appreciation. For any Council that donated to ASAP, please ensure you complete the ASAP paperwork to get the $100 matching from Supreme ( Leader Advisory (FLA) (4/18/24)Review for upcoming online sessions; GKs & Trustees – Nominations for next CY slate of officers; suggested FIA programs – Family Prayer Night on May 15; ASAP (, Global Wheelchair Mission (American Wheelchair Mission), Eucharistic Procession ( Religious & Civil Rights (R&C) Talking Points highlights from Dr. Dan Rossi, PSD:

May is Mental Awareness Month. It is estimated that mental illnesses affect 19% of adults, 46% of teenagers and 13% of children each year. A document prepared by the National Catholic Partnership on Disability titled, Pastoral Response to People with Mental Illness, indicates that “one in four families will have to cope with mental illness and its effects on a loved one and the family unit.” The stigma attached to mental illness forces many to hide the severity of their symptoms or those of a loved one. This document further notes that recovery from mental illness often depends on access to help that includes four legs of recovery: 1) Biological; 2) Psychological;3) Social; 4) Spiritual. We all need to better understand and recognize the signs of mental illness, be cognizant of the resources available to help those who are coping with mental illness, and be willing to pray for and reach out to those who need our help. Through our prayers and actions, we can continue to work on truly building a culture of life filled with God’s love for all.

Councils are reminded and asked to pray one decade of the Rosary prior to their monthly meeting from April to December to ask Mary’s intercession to encourage our elected and appointed government officials to take action to protect human life, from the womb to the tomb.

State Secretary Report (Jim Sweeney) – State Secretary was not in attendance.

Unfinished Business –

  • Motion to spend up to an additional $2,000 for the Corpus Christi Eucharistic Procession on June 2, 2024 was made by Gerry Kaufhold and seconded by Don Campbell.  2nd Reading Passed Unanimously

New business

  1. Motion to donate $335 to the Intellectual Disabilities Drive to raise the proceeds from the April 20/21 collections to $2,100 was made by Joe Tarallo and seconded by Chip Sturm. – Passed Unanimously.
  2. Motion to donate $250 to the American Cancer Society for the Relay for Life campaign was made by Shawn Mickus and Seconded by Lenny Martin – Passed Unanimously.
  3. Motion to spend up to $1,600 for lunch servicing the Dover Faith Soup Kitchen for the 2024/2025 Columbian Year was made by Lenny Martin and seconded by Mike Sabella – First Reading Passed Unanimously.
  4. Motion to spend up to $6,000 for the blood drives for the 2024/2025 Columbian Year was made by Bob Jacobs and seconded by Gerard Petrocelli – First Reading Passed Unanimously.
  5. Motion to donate $5,000 consisting of $500 for each of the 10 months of the school year to Lasserre’s Own Hands for the 2024/2025 Columbian Year suppling breakfast & lunch for children at Good Shepard School in Haiti was made by Pierre Kernizan and seconded by Gerry Kaufhold – First Reading Passed Unanimously.
  6. Motion to donate $1,200 for monthly donations to the Mount Olive Food Pantry for the 2024/2025 Columbian Year was made by Gerard Peterocelli and seconded by Shawn Mickus – First Reading Passed Unanimously.
  7. Motion to donate $12,000 for monthly Bingo donations for the use of the Parish Center for the 2024/2025 Columbian Year was made by Mike Sabella and seconded by Don Campbell – First Reading Passed Unanimously.
  8. Motion to donate $2,400 for monthly donations for the use of the Parish Center for meetings during the 2024/2025 Columbian Year was made by Joe Tarallo and seconded by Lenny Martin – First Reading Passed Unanimously.
  9. Motion to spend up to $1,400 for refreshments for monthly meetings during the 2024/2025 Columbian Year was made by Gerard Petrocelli and seconded by Shawn Mickus – First Reading Passed Unanimously.
  10. Motion to donate up to $250 for a 10th Anniversary gift for Fr. Yojaneider Garcia Ramirez was made by Gerry Kaufhold and seconded by Gerard Petrocelli. – Passed Unanimously.
  11. Motion to donate $100 to St. Mark’s Church for loaning us tables for bingo was made by Gerard Petrocelli and seconded by Chip Sturm. – Passed Unanimously.
  12. Motion to spend up to $150 for the purchase of 5 used tables to accommodate bingo patron attendance was made by Chip Sturm and Seconded by Lenny Martin. –
  13.  Passed Unanimously.

Good of the Order

The Good of the Order was directed by Ricardo Espinola. 

Closing Prayer

Closing prayer was led by GK Dan Fuller.

Attendance: 18 people.

Meeting adjourned at 8:33 pm

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