October 2024 Meeting Minutes

October 21, 2024

Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 7:36 pm by Grand Knight (GK) Joe Tarallo. 

Warden’s Report

All present were in possession of a current membership card.

Opening Prayer

Opening prayer was led by GK Joe Tarallo.

Pledge of Allegiance

Salute to the flag was led by the council members.

Chaplain report

Deacon Tony will was in attendance and was happy to be able to join the meeting.

Minutes of the Previous Meeting

Minutes of the previous meeting were accepted on a motion by Mike Sabella, seconded by Dan Fuller, approved with a unanimous vote.

Grand Knight’s Report (Joe Tarallo)

GK was sad to report the passing of Warren Wormann, an amazing man who was loved by all.  His wake will be held at Lieber funeral home on Sunday from 1-6 pm.

New Council banners have arrived, in English and Spanish.  It is okay to use at future events, but as requested by Fr. Antonio, we should only use the English version, since there is no Spanish ministry.

Soccer Challenge has been completed.

Wreath Drive is underway.

Hurricane Relief – we will be proposing donations for relief efforts but should consider what more we can do to help.

GK attended the Federation meeting. Currently working on the Coats for Kids and Keep Christ in Christmas programs.

Respect life convocation will be held at St. Mary’s this weekend.

Pride in Priest dinner will be held on November 25.

Susie DeSantos is in need of help distributing Thanksgiving food donations by 11/25

State Deputy plans are ongoing for the State Convention and subsequent year

There is a sign-up sheet for bingo – we want to build up the list again to make sure that we have teams for each Friday.

Treasurer’s Report (Wally Krake Jr.)

The Bank statement was sent to trustees.  A copy can be obtained upon request.

Please remember that bingo funds our operations so we must continue to watch over and protect the business.

Membership Report (Chip Sturm)

We will keep recruiting.

Financial Secretary’s Report (Gerard Petrocelli)

Financial secretary’s report is emailed in advance to Trustees for approval of expenditures.

Program Reports – Led by John Watral

Bingo (Mike Mallon) – Still plugging along.  We need help, particularly at the beginning of the night to get through sales.

Soup Kitchen (Lenny Martin)– next event will be next week.

Blood Drive (Gerard Petrocelli) – Next drive will be held December 7th.  Flyers to be sent out.

Christmas Wreath Drive (Gerard Petrocelli) – One week left. Pre-orders by end of month. So far, sales are slow.  Over $800 raised thus far from early orders, donations and sales of snacks at bingo.

RTL (Gerry Kaufhold) – November 2&3 is annual raffle – $10 per ticket for 2024 Volvo XC60, to be drawn in 2 weeks.

     Patterson RTL Convocation is on 10/26/2024 at St. Mary’s in Denville – $20 registration, but you can attend mass without registering.

     40 Days for Life at Planned Parenthood un Morristown from 10-11am.  There are 2 weeks left.  Approximately 85% of appointments at PP are cancelled during the prayer vigil.

     RTL mass is held on the 1st Saturday of every month at St. Margaret’s with Bishop Sweeney and then he leads a Rosary procession.

Vets Summer Fest – we made a donation and the event was well attended.  Jim Sweeney attended and highly recommends.

Council 6100 Christmas Party – will be held December 14.  Planning for party will commence November 1.

Soccer Challenge was held yesterday.  There were 6 participants.

Squires – will be painting the plant stands.

Craft Fair – will be held on October 30.

District Deputy Report – DD Bob Holl was on vacation and did not attend.

State Secretary Report (Jim Sweeney) –

            9/26/24 was the March for Life in Trenton.  Bishop Sweeney and 4 other bishops said Mass at the cathedral and the processed through Trenton.  Statutes codifying Roe V. Wade are being pushed in state governments.

            12/29/24 will be the Jubilee Mass at 3pm at the Cathedral of St. Joh the Baptist with Bishop Sweeney for the 2025 Jubilee Year.  Please consider attending.  Parking will be available. There will be many events in the Diocese in 2025. 

            1/31/2025 will be Bishop’s Night at Our Lady of the Highway Council @ Holy Angels Parish in Little Falls.

            Federation Raffle is upcoming. Please participate

            Fraternal Giving Campaign – we rely on this to support brothers in need.  The State will match donations up to $1000.

            Federation Retreat – Jim Sweeney attended.  It was a worthwhile weekend and he encourages the Council to attend next year.

Unfinished Business

MotionMade by2nd byDecisionIn
donate up to $3,500 to purchase boxes of coats for the Coats for Kids Drive with the intent to donate the coats to needy families in Paterson and other townships.
RecorderDan FullerPU
spend $660 to purchase a table at the Pride in Priest’s dinner at the Hanover Manor on November 25.
Gerry KaufholdLenny MartinPU
Donate $5,000 to assist the family of a Knight that is in need.
Dan FullerPierre KernizanPU

New Business

MotionMade by2nd byDecisionIn
Spend an additional $50.63 for English/Spanish council floor banners to cover price increase and tax.Chip SturmDan FullerPU
spend $200 to reimiburse Joe Schalkoff for additional masonry materials costs for church repairsGerry KaufholdLenny MartinPU
Donate $500 to support seminarian Joseph DeMarzo through the RSVP programDan FullerChip SturmPU
Donate $500 to support seminarian Marc Morano through the RSVP programJim SweeneyJohn WatralPU
spend $100 for the Keep Christ in Christmas program for 2024.Mike MallonMiek SabellaPU
spend up to $500 for Turkeys for families in needGerard PetrocelliDan FullerPU
spend up to $1,200 for the 2024 Christmas Party on December 14
Mike SabellaLenny MartinPU
match the proceeds of the Wreath Drive for Food For Families up to $500Chip SturmGerard PetrocelliPU
$625 for Christmas gifts for St. Jude support staff
Gerry KaufholdDan FullerPU
donate $500 to the Send a Soldier Home program for the purchase of plane tickets to get military service
personnel home for holidays.
Jim SweeneyJohn WatralPU
donate $250 to CareNet Crisis Pregnancy Center to support October fundraiserGerry KaufholdRob MarsacPU
spend up to $300 to replenish books available in the kiosk in the church NarthexJohn WatralDan FullerPU
donate $500 to relief effort in support of hurricane victims in North CarolinaLenny MartinDon CampbellPU
donate $500 to relief effort in support of hurricane victims in FloridaJim SweeneyDan FullerPU
donate $100 to band led by Don Campbell which will be playing at the Council’s 2024 Christmas Party.Dan FullerGerard PetrocelliPU
Donate $500 in memory of Warren Wormann to the cause recommended by his familyDan FullerLenny MartinPU

Good of the Order

The Good of the Order was directed by Wally Krake III. 

Closing Prayer

Closing prayer was led by GK Joe Taralllo.

Attendance: 20 people.

Meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm.

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