Squires Paragon Christmas Party rescheduled for 12/22 7:00
Please join us and help celebrate Christmas with the residents of Paragon Village with a Mass and Party/carols.
See you there
Please join us and help celebrate Christmas with the residents of Paragon Village with a Mass and Party/carols.
See you there
Brothers, We are going to try and do something different this month. We will have pizza and drinks at 6:45 before the business meeting on 8/15. The meeting will start at 7:30 as usual. We will be saying the rosary at 7:15. If you have not been to a meeting in a while please stop…
Brothers, I want to let you know that I am honored that you have elected me to be Grand Knight of your Council for the 2022-23 Columbian year. I pledge to do my best and work with you and our other officers to continue the rich traditions of the past and enact new programs for…
Officer’s meeting Monday August 8 at 7:30 pm St Jude Parish Hall Thomas Rohe is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Join Zoom Meetinghttps://us02web.zoom.us/j/82047496313?pwd=cVhMUkF1U0pGdFlSUjBvdnVObytrUT09 Meeting ID: 820 4749 6313Passcode: 376378One tap mobile+16469313860,,82047496313#,,,,*376378# US+13017158592,,82047496313#,,,,*376378# US (Washington DC) Dial by your location +1 646 931 3860 US +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC) +1 312…
February 20, 2023 Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 7:31 pm by Grand Knight (GK) Dan Fuller. Warden’s Report All present were in possession of a current membership card. Opening Prayer Opening prayer was led by Grand Knight (GK) Dan Fuller. Pledge of Allegiance Salute to the flag was led by…
After two years, we will be restarting Bingo on Friday, March 4th. Our Council has been without our primary revenue generater for all of this time. In order to continue to support all of the charitable activites that rely on us, we will need your help to make this Bingo successful. If you have worked…
NEW Motions: Motion to donate $250 to the Budd Lake First Aid Squad. Motion to subsidize up to $75 for a maximum of 10 Council 6100 members for the annual state retreat. Motion to donate $250 to Men’s cornerstone. SECOND Reading: Amended Motion to approve Council 6100 support of PJ Farruggia in the amount of…