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Motions for April 13, 2021 meeting
Motion to donate $20 for the State Convention Ad journal for District 36 Motion to donate $100 for Special Olympics – Check to be made out to Mike Leyden Motion to donate $200 to Parkinson Foundation Motion to allocate up to $500 to match the amount raised by the Squire during the Tank Pull contest…
April Proposed Motions
Motion to donate $500 to Dasi battered women’s shelter. Motion to sponsor an ad page for the 4th degree exemplification. (Need amount) Motion to spend up to $5,000 for bingo TVs and electrical requirements. Motion to spend up to $1,500 for the June communion breakfast. Motion to donate $500 to the KOFC Ukraine solidarity fund. …
Finishing Lent with a Bang
At the March Business Meeting during the “Good of the Order,” I mentioned that at the State Convention a couple of years ago the guest speaker was Fr. Rocky, the founder of Relevant Radio. The reason I mention this is that I loaded the Relevant Radio App on my smart phone and have been listening…
August Officer’s meeting moved to 8/8
Due to vacation schedules, I am moving the Officer’s meeting back one week. Please let me know of any agenda items ahead of time. Thanks!
Council 6100 Officer meeting
Zoom Link Council 6100 officer’s meeting, Monday 10/3 7:30 pm St Jude Parish Center Thomas Rohe is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 875 0060 7627Passcode: 916505One tap mobile+16465588656,,87500607627#,,,,*916505# US (New York)+16469313860,,87500607627#,,,,*916505# US Dial by your location +1 646 558 8656 US (New York) +1 646 931 3860 US …
Knights needed for Stations of the Cross
Each Friday during Lent, a different parish group leads the Stations of the Cross. Our Council will be leading Stations on Friday 3/31. We need your participation for this event. “Lead” means we need Knights to read the reflections for each station. Stations start at 7:00pm, but if you wish to read a reflection, come…