Advocating for not taking Responsibility

I sent the following to the Star Ledger to publish as a “Letter to the Editor” or an “Op-Ed.” I’m not sure they will print given their liberal bias but thought you may be interested.

In today’s environment of holding people responsible for their actions, I was flabbergasted by the February 6 Reproductive Rights article “Men should support expanding access to abortion.”  Beginning with the slamming of men for the fact that they hold a majority in the legislative bodies, it totally ignores the fact that there are many female centric organizations and women that are against abortion such as Silent No More, an organization of women who have had abortions and soundly regret it. And if that isn’t enough, there are plenty of stories from women that were survivors of failed abortions.  Of course the two “MEN” who authored the article want greater access to abortions so that they don’t have to take any responsibility for getting a woman pregnant in the first place.  It is not coincidental that many abortions are coerced by the male who was at least half responsible for the pregnancy.  After all who wants the responsibility for caring for the baby as a result of an unintended pregnancy!  Their article goes on to say how unfair it is and how it negatively impacts the family and the community citing “freedom, control, dignity and respect.”  What is never discussed by abortion advocates is the life of the unborn baby, who is not the same person as the mother, but is a separate and unique human being having everything required in its DNA to develop to full maturity as an adult. The “Reproductive Freedom Act” being considered by the legislature in New Jersey does NOT prevent anyone from becoming pregnant but rather, makes legal taking the life of the unborn baby up until the moment of birth.  As a so called civilized society, we should be supportive of women’s health, but killing an innocent baby, even though unplanned, is not health care, it is (you name it).

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