An open letter to my Worthy Brothers of Council 6100

Do you remember when you became a Knight and learned about the first principle of our order: Charity? Did you know that in the last Columbian year (2021/2022) that our Council made charitable contributions of over $25,000, and that was even without our Bingo operations being back in business.  During the two and a half years we were shut down because of COVID, we never cut back on our charitable contributions.  God has truly blessed our Council to be able to continue His work!

And now as you know, we have finally restarted Bingo after the necessary investment of $25,000 investment to upgrade our broken and obsolete equipment.  As you can see, our Council has made a significant commitment to sustain our charitable works. The really good news is that the first three weeks of operation we averaged over 80 players, and thanks to some really nice jackpots, for the last three weeks we have averaged over 124 players!  The other good news is that a core group of brothers have heavily invested their time and talent to work bingo just about every week trying to sustain a quality bingo product for our customers.

Now the but!  We can’t keep going like this with the same workers every week!  What we need are all of us to work together to “keep it going”!  The following lists what we need every week:

  • 1 Back Room worker to handle all the tracking and reporting of receipts/prize payouts
  • 2 workers to man the cash registers
  • 2 workers to provide the bingo sheets purchased by players and to call back player Bingos
  • 1 worker to call bingo (Caller)
  • 2/3 workers to sell “Pull Tabs” (this is a key part of our bingo revenue)
  • 2/3 workers to work the kitchen

In addition, we are in the process of cross-training multiple people for many of the jobs because we have to have people trained for each position every week.  As you can see, running Bingo is a big job and is the primary revenue source to sustain our charitable works. 

We currently have Teams to cover every week of every month, but they cannot function effectively when understaffed, which happens when someone gets sick, has a vacation, gets tied up with a business or family commitment, etc.  Such was the case last Friday night when four members of a team did not show up and only one of the four arranged for a sub to cover for them.  Fortunately four other brothers did show up but it was a stressful situation. 

I know you have heard this plea before but I’m asking you to “Prayerfully” consider how you can support our ongoing bingo operations.  This isn’t for me, or for the Council officers, or for the bingo players!  This is so that we can continue the charitable work we do! This is an act of love for those in need!  Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ gave so much more for us! 

Please consider giving 4 or 5 hours a month so that we can continue doing His work!

Call or text me on 973-229-6777 (provide your phone and e-mail) if you will make a commitment!

Vivat Jesus!

Gerry Kaufhold

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