Knights of Columbus Business Meeting Minutes July 18, 2022

Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 7:47 pm by Grand Knight (GK) Dan Fuller.

Warden’s Report

All present were in possession of a current membership card.

Opening Prayer

Opening prayer was led by Grand Knight (GK) Dan Fuller.

Pledge of Allegiance

Salute to the flag was led by the council members.

Roll Call of Officers

N/A- per new format

Chaplain report

There was no chaplain report as the chaplain was not present.

Minutes of the Previous Meeting

The minutes of the previous meeting were accepted on a motion by Sean seconded by Chip and accepted by a unanimous vote.

Membership Report (Chip Sturm)

  • Chip received pamphlets; he put them in the church lobby and handed out 12 pamphlets last Sunday.

Grand Knight’s Report (Dan Fuller)

Thank you for electing me. The theme for this year is “There’s work to be done, let’s get to it”.

  • Goals for this year
    • Get bingo up and running. Also, to prepare a backup for the flash board system.
    • Improve overall communications.
    • Membership… down to 132 members due to supreme’s new program. Our new membership goal is 8 new members.
    • Re-establish programs.. especially revenue generating programs.
    • Re-establish quarterly knights mass and adoration hour after mass.
  • Meeting updates
    • New monthly collections; two buckets on the table. One bucket is for MT. Olive food pantry and the other bucket is for ASAP. (Aid and Support after Pregnancy)
    • Bring back Knight of the Month! July 2022 awarded to – Gerard!

Treasurer’s Report (Wally)

The bank statement was sent to the trustees – a copy can be requested by request.

Financial Secretary’s Report (Gerard)

Financial secretary’s report is emailed in advance to Trustees for approval of expenditures.

Program Reports – Led by John Watral

Blood Drive report (Gerard)

  • Blood drive went very well; 128 people registered and only 9 deferred. Overall, we received 99 whole blood donations and 20 Alyx donations totaling 139 products. 
  • Next blood drive August 20th

Bingo report (Tom Rohe): Average around 80 members, some technical problems

Soup Kitchen report (Lenny): Next event at the end of August. Just restarting up after august

“Charity Mania” report (Tom Rohe)

  • Tom Rohe sold 12 tickets and John Watral sold 10 tickets totaling 22 tickets sold. 

Disability drive report (Sean): Looking for volunteers to get the drive started

Squires report (John Watral): Project to bury stones for the parish. Craft vendor sale coming up in November. Weeded for a parishioner (Carol Witman..?) 

Unfinished Business

Second readings:

  1. Motion to allocate up to $4,000 for Blood Drives for the Columbian year 2022-2023 was made by Dan Fuller, seconded by Gerry Kaufhold, and passed with a unanimous voice vote. Second reading unanimously passed
  1.  Motion to allocate up to $1,400 for Dover Soup Kitchen for the Columbian year 2022-2023 was made by Lenny Martin, seconded by Tom Rohe, and passed with a unanimous voice vote. Second reading unanimously passed
  1.  Motion to allocate $5,000 for Good Shepherd school in Haiti for the Columbian year 2022-2023 was made by Shawn Mickus, seconded by Gerard Petrocelli, and passed with a unanimous voice vote. Second reading unanimously passed
  1.  Motion to allocate $1,200 for St. Joseph Home of the Elderly for the Columbian year 2022-2023 was made by John Watral, seconded by Dan Fuller, and passed with a unanimous voice vote. Second reading unanimously passed
  1.  Motion to allocate $9,600 for church hall rental for Bingo for the Columbian year 2022-2023 was made by Gerry Kaufhold, seconded by Dan Fuller, and passed with a unanimous voice vote. Second reading passed with one abstain and all others voting for the motion 
  1.  Motion to allocate $2,400 for church hall donation for the Columbian year 2022-2023 was made by Dan Fuller, seconded by Gerry Kaufhold. Second reading unanimously passed
  1.  Motion to allocate up to $1,200 for meeting refreshments for the Columbian year 2022-2023. Second reading unanimously passed

New Business

  1. Motion to donate $500 to Vet Summer Fest made by Pierre and seconded by Tom Rohe. Passed unanimously. 
  1. Motion to donate $100 to Mount Olive Girls HS soccer team sponsoring their 2022 practice shirts made by Gerard and seconded by Chip Sturm. Passed unanimously.
  1. Motion to donate $500 to Saint Joseph by the Sea HS to support Catholic Education along with honoring the memory of the 8 alumni who perished on 9/11 made by Gerard and seconded by Joe Tarallo. Passed unanimously. 
  1. Motion to donate $150 to Warren Wormann Jr Memorial Golf Outing to support Pope John XXIII High School Scholarship program. Motion made by Sean Mickus and seconded by Lenny Martin. Passed unanimously.
  1. Amended Motion to approve Council 6100 support of PJ Farruggia in the amount of $300 per month for his commitment and participation as a missionary for FOCUS (Fellowship of Catholic University Students) for one year. Motion made by Sean Mickus and seconded by Chip Sturm. Passed unanimously. Second reading will be read on August 15th. 

Insurance Agent Report

  • No insurance report

District Deputy Report

  • Use code “blessedmcgivney” for free online member registration

Good of the Order

The Good of the Order was conducted by Pierre

Closing Prayer

Closing prayer was led by Tom Rohe

Meeting adjourned at 8:50pm

Number of members in attendance: 13 (12 in person, 1 online) 

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