Meeting Minutes Jun 8, 2021

Knights of Columbus

Fr. Joseph A. Cassidy Council 6100

Business Meeting

June 11, 2021

Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 7:32 pm by Deputy Grand Knight Shaun Mickus.

Warden’s Report

All present were in possession of a current membership card.

Opening Prayer

Opening prayer was led by Grank Knight Joe D’Anna.

Pledge of Allegiance

Salute to the flag was led by the council members.

Roll Call of Officers

N/A- per new format    

Chaplain report

N0 report.

Minutes of the Previous Meeting

The minutes of the previous meeting were accepted on a motion by Gerry Kaufhold, Seconded by Dan Fuller with a correction by Tom Dellala to the motions numbers to start at 2021-39 as opposed to 2021-37 and accepted by a unanimous vote.

Membership Report

  • No report

Grand Knight’s Report

  • Primary election is today (June 8, 2021)- Check the issues going on – It is important we check our beliefs and vote our conscience.
  • As church opens up, I hope we attend mass in person

Treasurer’s Report (Wally)

Financial reports are not read, but they are sent to officers and available by request.

Financial Secretary’s Report (Gerard)

Form 185 is due July 1st– Form for food for family

Program Report

Gerry Kaufhold:

  • Diaper drive June 26-27 and baby shower- the Rosary Alter Society will participate as a co-sponsor
    • June 29- Faith kitchen
    • Respect for life- Gerry placed an article in the website- Supreme court will listen to Mississippi Rowe vs Wade

John Watral:

  • June 13, 2021- Tank Pull
    • Tank Pull – raising money for the veterans
    • Squire- Election next month (June 2021)

Gerard Petrocelli

  • July 31, 2021- Blood drive 7:15am-1:00pm (Scholarship drive).
    • Membership card- if anyone wants to pay their dues- you will get your card the following week

Tom Rohe

  • Charity Mania is live and well
    • Nov 21, 2021- Exemplification

Unfinished Business:

  1. Motion 2021-39: Motion to allocate up to $4000 for Blood drive for the Columbian year 2021-2022 was originally made by Tom Rohe and seconded by Lenny Martin. The second readingwas seconded by Dan Fuller and Gerard Petrocelli and it passed by a unanimous voice vote.
  • Motion 2021-40: Motion to allocate $1400 for Dover Soup Kitchen for the Columbian year 2021-2022 was originally made by Lenny Martin and seconded by Gerrry Kaufhold. The second readingwas seconded by Gerry Kaufhold and Tom Rohe and it passed by a unanimous voice vote.
  • Motion 2021-41: Motion to allocate $5000 for Good Shepherd school in Haiti for the Columbian year 2021-2022 was originally made by Gerard Petrocelli and seconded by Wally Krake. The second readingwas seconded by Dan Fuller and Gregg Buckalew and it passed by a unanimous voice vote.
  • Motion 2021-42: Motion to allocate $1200 for Mount Olive food pantry for the Columbian year 2021-2022 was originally made by Tom Rohe and seconded by John Watral. The second readingwas seconded by Gregg Buckalew and Gerard Petrocelli and it passed by a unanimous voice vote.
  • Motion 2021-43: Motion to allocate $1200 for St Joseph Home of the Elderly for the Columbian year 2021-2022 was originally made by Tom Rohe and seconded by Gregg Buckalew. The second readingwas seconded by Gerard Petrocelli and Gregg Buckalew and it passed by a unanimous voice vote.
  • Motion 2021-44: Motion to allocate $9600 for Church hall rental for Bingo for the Columbian year 2021-2022 was tabled pending further discussions.  (Tabled)
  • Motion 2021-45: Motion to allocate $2400 for church hall donation for the Columbian year 2021-2022 was originally made by Gerry Kaufhold and seconded by John Watral. The second readingwas seconded by Gerry Kaufhold and Jim Sweeney and it passed by a unanimous voice vote.
  • Motion 2021-46: Motion to allocate up to $1200 for refreshment for meetings for the Columbian year 2021-2022 was originally made by Joe Tarallo and seconded by Tom Rohe. The second readingwas seconded by Tom Rohe and Gregg Buckalew and it passed by a unanimous voice vote.

New Business:

Grand Knight                            Joe D’Anna

Deputy Grand Knight                Shaun Mickus  

Chancellor                                Pierre Kernizan

Recorder                                   TBD

Treasurer                                  Wally Krake

Advocate                                  Joe Tarallo

Warden                                    Mike Mallon

Inside Guard                             John Watral

Outside Guard                           Christina Gladish

3-year Trustee                           Tom Rohe

2-year Trustee                           Gerry Kaufhold

1-year Trustee                           Dan Fuller

The current recorder placed one vote for all the candidates.

Insurance Agent Report

  • No report

District Deputy Report (Mike Leyden)

  • Slate of officers for the state: Jim Stover, Ray Stan, Jim Sweeney, Ross Petrocelli, Scott Williams
  • We had the convention
  • June 19- Grand Knight, District Deputy meeting
  • Thanks for participating in the Free Throw Contest. Scholarship won by someone from St Therese
  • Sept 27, 2021 – Golf Outing
  • Nov 22, 2021 – Pride & Priest dinner
  • A couple of candidates are on the list
  • Glad to see everyone here – Keep doing the zoom

Jim Sweeney

Thank you for the support thus far- Thank you, Mike Leyden

Last year in September 25, 2020, we visited Light House and presented funding for the Ultrasound machine. In January 2021 they presented a plaque to the Council 6100

Note: 4th degree election: Jun 15, 2021 at 8:00pm

Good of the Order

The Good of the Order was conducted by Mike Sabella

Closing Prayer

Closing prayer led by Gerry Kaufhold

Meeting adjourned at 8:36pm

Number of members in attendance: 15 (14 in person, 1 online)

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