Meeting minutes of Feb. 9, 2021

Knights of Columbus

Fr. Joseph A. Cassidy Council 6100

Business Meeting

February 9, 2021

Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 7:32 pm by Deputy Grand Knight Shawn Mickus.

Warden’s Report

All present were in possession of a current membership card.

Opening Prayer

Opening prayer was led by Deputy Grand Knight Shawn Mickus

Pledge of Allegiance

Salute to the flag was led by the council members.

Roll Call of Officers

N/A- per new format    

Chaplain report

A prayer by Father Antonio

Minutes of the Previous Meeting

The minutes of the previous meeting were accepted on a motion by all, Seconded by all with a correction to the patriotic degree (Sunday April 18, 2021 instead of April 28, 2021) and accepted by a unanimous vote.

Membership Report (Gerard Petrocelli)

There are 4 possible members- more information to come.

Grand Knight’s Report

  • A lot is going on in the world – a lot of sick brothers and people who have lost loved ones. I was on a call with John Hopkins (Johnson and Jonson work with John Hopkins)- there is a lot of striking data- 33% of American households suffer severe food insecurity- What we do to support food places matters.
  • Another blood drive- there is a lot of good spirit in our community- It gives hope that the work we do matters.

Treasurer’s Report

There is no treasurer’s report- Wally was not able to join the meeting.

Financial Secretary’s Report

Financial Secretary report is emailed in advance to Trustees for approval of expenditures.

Program Report

Gerard Petrocelli- Blood Drive:

  • We collected 142 products on February 6, 2021  – last year at this time we did 82 products
  • Gerry Kaufhold: Bring baby bottles back this coming weekend (2/13-14/2021)- Tom Rohe says so far, we are at $852.00. We should be at over $1,000 for the first weekend.
  • Feb. 17- Kick off the 40-day prayer vigil. 10:00-11:00am in front of the planned parenthood in Morristown.
  • Helena will prepare two (2) sympathy cards: one for Heather Ryan and one for Vince Tavormina
  • Today (Feb. 9) Gerry Kaufhold sent a letter to the newspaper – take a look at it (Posted on the Council’s website).

John Watral:  

  • We had investiture 2 Fridays ago (6 new members). Next meeting is this coming Sunday (Feb. 14). Last time, I said we raised $562 from Rose sale. 
  • Food drive at the fire house in Budd Lake on March 13, 2021. This is a state wide event- Drive through food donation and diaper drives to donate to pregnancy centers.
  • Free throw contest is pushed to May 2021.

Tom Rohe:

Exemplification- Patriotic dinner April 18, 2021- you can be a member of the 4th degree and not be a Color corps member.

Unfinished Business:

There was no unfinished business

New Business:

Motion 2021-29: Gerry Kaufhold made a motion for the council to donate $150 to Father John Murray Memorial Scholarship fund. Tom Rohe seconded the motion and it passed by a unanimous voice vote.

Motion 2021-30: Tom Rohe made a motion for the Council to donate $150 to the John Attardo Memorial Scholarship funds. John Watral seconded the motion, and it passed by a unanimous voice vote.

Motion 2021-31: Gerard Petrocelli made a motion for the Council to allocate up to $500 for the remaining of the two (2) blood drives Feb. and Apr 2021 for refreshment. Tom Rohe seconded the motion, which passed by a unanimous voice vote.

Insurance Agent Report

No report

District Deputy Report

Paternal Survey form 1728 – due end of June 2021

Council audit due Feb. 1, 2021

Good of the Order

The Good of the Order was conducted by Deputy Grand Knight Shawn Mickus

Closing Prayer

Closing prayer led by Deputy Grand Knight Shawn Mickus

Meeting adjourned at 8:12pm

Number of members in attendance: 13 all online

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