November 2024 Meeting Minutes

November 18, 2024

Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 7:29 pm by Grand Knight (GK) Joe Tarallo. 

Warden’s Report

All present were in possession of a current membership card.

Opening Prayer

Opening prayer was led by GK Joe Tarallo.

Pledge of Allegiance

Salute to the flag was led by the council members.

Chaplain report

Deacon Tony will was not in attendance.

Minutes of the Previous Meeting

Minutes of the previous meeting were accepted on a motion by Mike Sabella, seconded by Bob Jacobs, approved with a unanimous vote.

Grand Knight’s Report (Joe Tarallo)

Pride in Priest dinner will be held on November 25.

Thanksgiving Food Drive – Mike M. will be buying turkeys for drive.  Susie DeSantos is in need of help distributing Thanksgiving food donations by 11/25 .

Blood Drive upcoming December 7.

Respect life convocation was held at St. Mary’s in Denville on 10/26. Sisters for Life led meditation and there was a mass with Bishop Sweeney, followed by rosary and adoration.  There were not many Knights in attendance.

GK attended the Federation meeting on 11/15. Boxes of coats were delivered for the Coats for Kids program, but diocese is still short.  Coat distribution will be 12/15 from 8-6.

Hurricane Relief – Still a big need.  Sparta Life Lift 1 needs cash and other items.  Propane will be needed. The Sparta council will send a PDF with more information on donations. This need will go on for months.

State Convention – there are still hotel rooms available with plenty of room.  Hospitality will follow the elections

Bingo – still need workers.

Treasurer’s Report (Wally Krake Jr.)

The Bank statement was sent to trustees.  A copy can be obtained upon request.

Please remember that bingo funds our operations so we must continue to watch over and protect the business.

Membership Report (Chip Sturm)

One new prospect – Chris Hill (Jim’s son-in-law).  Also, Jim’s son is a 2nd Degree member.

Financial Secretary’s Report (Gerard Petrocelli)

Financial secretary’s report is emailed in advance to Trustees for approval of expenditures.

Program Reports – Led by John Watral

Bingo (Mike Mallon) – working on issues with machines with vendor. Also, there was a dispute over queuing.  To be discussed at separate Bingo meeting to resolve.

Council 6100 Christmas Party – will be held December 14.  Need headcount.  Food will be ordered from Branda’s and Don’s band will provide background music.

Christmas Wreath Drive (Gerard Petrocelli) – wreaths are ordered by the case, so there will be some extra products available. They will come in during the last week of November (22 boxes).  Gerard will need help transferring to the Parish Center.  Distribution will be on 11/30 and 12/1.

Craft Fair – will be held on November 30.

Blood Drive (Gerard Petrocelli) – Next drive will be held December 7th.  Will need help on 12/6 for setup and day of assistance.  Need to distribute flyers and get the word out.

Soup Kitchen (Lenny Martin)– held 11/17.  Served 78 in-house meals and 56 take-out meals.

Pride in our Priests Dinner – 11/25.  We have full table of 12.  Fr. Rick and Joe DeMarzo are atteneding.

RTL (Gerry Kaufhold) –Annual raffle – sole 106 tickets with additional donations – raised $1,080.  RTL March will be January 25, 2025.  Bus will leave from St. Joseph in Mendham.  Rose drive is upcoming to raise money for the bus trip.

District Deputy Report – DD Bob Holl

November 2024 Report (CY 2024-2025)

Mt. Olive Council #6100 (Meeting 11/18/2024)
Star Council Award Progress

Awards Progress (as of 11/17/2024
McGivney AwardFounders AwardColumbian Award
Membership Goal: 8 members; to date, 1 Prospect List Candidates: 1Financial Benefits Seminars Quota: 2; to date, 0 (Form #11077) # Members attending: 0; Req’d: 14Service Program (SP 7) due 6/30/25

OLM Prospect List: 1: Christopher Hill (11/10)

Safe Environment Program (As of 11/13/2024)
Grand Knight, Program, Community, Family Directors,Squires

Other Criteria (Forms Submitted and Per-capita compliance)
Forms 185 (6/30)/ 365 (6/30)/ 1728 (1/31)/ 1295 (2/15)/ 990 (5/15)/SP-7 (6/30)Per Capita Compliance Balance
185-Yes/365-Yes/1728-No/1295-Yes/990-Yes/SP-7-NoAs of 11/1/2024: $9.00 CR

  • Current & Upcoming Events
    • Please schedule your Council’s Officer Installation Ceremony.
    • Mon 11/25: PioP Dinner, Hanover Manor, 6PM, $55 pp; Payment deadline 11/18
    • Coats for Kids
      • Reminders
    • The Free Online Membership Code BlessedMcGivney remains in effect.
    • To complete and submit Form #10784 at the end of each completed program.
    • Submit Form #11077 for all Financial Benefits Seminar attendees.
    • Fraternal Assistance is available at any time for a Brother Knight in need.
      • General
    • Please continue to provide spiritual and financial support to the CPCs through ASAP and the Ultrasound Initiative, our needy families and Food Pantries through the Helping Hands and Food for Families Programs, our teens through the KofC Scholarships, and to your deacon candidates, seminarians and religious novices through our RSVP program, and please acknowledge their sacrifices through letters of appreciation. For any Council that donated to ASAP, please ensure you complete the ASAP paperwork to get the $100 matching from Supreme (
      • Fraternal Leader Advisory (FLA) (10/3/24)
    • Review for upcoming training sessions and featured Programs. All councils are asked to consider supporting the Coats for Kids program.
      • November Religious & Civil Rights (R&C) Talking Points highlights from Dr. Dan Rossi, PSD:

This month, we will focus on two very important topics for discussion and prayer. A dearly departed Priest and personal friend liked to refer to November as the “Month to Remember.” We start with All Saints Day – a day to remember and honor all the saints of the Church. We follow with All Souls Day – a day to remember all the faithful departed. Many parishes and councils hold Masses or days of remembrance and update their Books or Walls of Remembrance during November. On November 11, we celebrate Veterans Day and remember and honor all who served in United States Armed Services. On Thanksgiving, we remember to give thanks for all of the blessings of the past year. And while October is Respect Life month, we, of course, always remember all of the unborn babies who have been lost to abortion.

On September 26th, hundreds of individuals attended the first annual state-wide Mass for Life followed by the first annual New Jersey March for Life. During the Mass, Bishop David M. O’Connell of Trenton gave a beautiful and powerful homily that reminded us of our “duty to protect” all human life from conception to natural death.

I wish you and all your families a wonderful Thanksgiving. We have much to be thankful for!

Faith in Action Supreme Programs

Faith Family Community Life 
Into the Breach2Consecration to Holy Family Helping Hands Aid & Support After Pregnancy*
Pilgrim Icon Food for Families2Coats for Kids2Novena for Life 
Holy Hour / Eucharistic Procession2Family Fully Alive2Global Wheelchair Mission2March for Life2
Family of the Month / Year2Habitat for Humanity2Special Olympics2
RSVP2Family Prayer Night2Catholic Citizenship Essay Contest Ultrasound2
Build the Domestic Church Family Week Disaster Preparedness Christian Refugee Relief 
Spiritual Reflection2Good Friday Family Promotion Free Throw Championship Mass for Special Needs People 
Rosary Keep Christ in Christmas Soccer Challenge Pregnancy Center Support/ASAP2
Sacramental Gifts   Hockey Challenge Silver Rose 

Complete and submit Form #10784 at the end of each completed program (online 5 minutes).

For a list of the State Council Programs reference www://

Blue Highlighted Programs are referenced in the FLA as programs to begin planning now.

Unfinished Business

MotionMade by2nd byDecisionIn
spend up to $1,200 for the 2024 Christmas Party on December 14
RecorderWally Krake IIIPU
$625 for Christmas gifts for St. Jude support staff
RecorderGerry KaufholdPU

New Business

MotionMade by2nd byDecisionIn
Set aside up $1,000 to support attendance at the State Convention in 2025. This is to be used to cover costs of attendees who need subsidy. If any funds are left over, we will use the excess to subsidize up to $50 per attendee.
Dan FullerBob JacobsPU
Donate $5,000 for Hurricane Relief to North Carolina from the Community Impact Fund. Allow officers to determine when and how cash is to be distributed.
Chip SturmLenny MartinPU
Donate $500 to the Warren Wormann Scholarship Fund in memory of Warren Wormann.Gerry KaufholdPierre KernizanPU
Donation of $250 to be split between the NJ Sharing Society (organ donation) and the Humane Society in the name of Frank Leyden.Chip SturmMike SabellaPU
Donate $250 to Operation Chill Out in memory of Deacon Ray ChimileskiBob JacobsGerard PetrocelliPU
Additional $50 donation for gifts for St. Jude support staffGerard PetrocelliGerry KaufholdPU

There will be Christmas Caroling at Paragon Village.  See Tom Rohe for details.

Good of the Order

The Good of the Order was directed by Wally Krake III. 

Closing Prayer

Closing prayer was led by GK Joe Taralllo.

Attendance: 19 people.

Meeting adjourned at 8:14 pm.

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