Reminders / Notes!

Before every Business meeting (2nd Tuesday of every month) we join together to Pray the Rosary. The meeting starts at 7:30 so we gather at 7:00. If you would like, come and lead one of the decades.

Baby Bottles are due back this weekend (or if you forget, next weekend or at the rectory). Also, thank you all who helped pass out the Baby Bottles the January 23/24th weekend!

Every Wednesday morning at 8:15, before the morning mass, we meet to pray the Rachel Rosary to bring an end to abortions and to pray for those victimized by abortion. Come and join us in praying that God and the Blessed Virgin Mary hear and answer our prayers.

Our 40 Days for Life Prayer Vigil begins Ash Wednesday (February 17) at Planned Parenthood, 196 Speedwell Avenue in Morristown from 10 to 11 AM. If you can join us, that would be GREAT! For more information, call or text Gerry Kaufhold on 973-229-6777.

If you would like to get involved or lead any of the Pro-life activities or projects, please see or call Gerry Kaufhold on 973-229-6777.

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