Squires Holiday Bazaar this Saturday
Please visit the holiday bazaar this Saturday from 9-4. There will be a lot of vendors to buy your Christmas gifts from. Please come and support the Squires and the Vendors who paid for their spaces.
Please visit the holiday bazaar this Saturday from 9-4. There will be a lot of vendors to buy your Christmas gifts from. Please come and support the Squires and the Vendors who paid for their spaces.
Brothers, We will begin setting up for the Christmas party at 12:00 on Saturday. If you have some time, please come over and give us a hand for a little while. Thank you!
On Saturday March 18 from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM Council 6100 is sponsoring a 4 Hour Retreat. The theme is “Becoming a Real Man of God”. The retreat will present current “Cultural Issues” facing society today and explore how we as Catholic Men can influence them. There is no fee associated with the Retreat…
October 17, 2022 Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 7:36 pm by Grand Knight (GK) Dan Fuller. Warden’s Report All present were in possession of a current membership card. Opening Prayer Opening prayer was led by Grand Knight (GK) Dan Fuller. Pledge of Allegiance Salute to the flag was led by…
1- Motion for the council to donate $150 to the Father John F. Murray Memorial Scholarship Funds. 2- Motion for the council to donate $150 to the John Attardo Memorial Scholarship Funds. 3- Motion for the council to allocate up to $500 for the remaining 2 blood drives (Feb. and April 2021) for food.
Unfinished Business (Second readings) Motion to spend up to $5,000 for bingo TVs and electrical requirements. Motion to spend up to $1,500 for the June communion breakfast. New Business Motion to spend up to (need amount) for additional Bingo tables and chairs. Motion to spend $250 to sponsor a half page ad in the ad…
Don’t forget the diaper drive this weekend. Please bring diapers to mass with you. You can drop them off in the narthex. It is more important than ever that we show our commitment to life. Please help support mothers in need.