Toy Drive at the Cathedral

God has answered our prayers and our Brother, the Worthy Warden, Mike Mallon has returned home after a more than seven-month battle with Covid. Some of his many friends and neighbors gathered on his front lawn with signs and balloons to welcome him home. Typical of Mike, he surprised us by getting home early. Mike…
Knights of Columbus Fr. Joseph A. Cassidy Council 6100 Business Meeting June 11, 2021 Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 7:32 pm by Deputy Grand Knight Shaun Mickus. Warden’s Report All present were in possession of a current membership card. Opening Prayer Opening prayer was led by Grank Knight Joe D’Anna….
This Brother Knight joined our Order on April 20, 2010. He and his wife Colette are parishioners at St. Jude. During the pandemic shutdown, he played a key role in setting up and running the technology to ensure that masses were live streamed so we could all be a part of the mass. He has…
Our Christmas party is at 7:00 on December 3rd at the parish center. Please use this link to respond to the RSVP by Friday November 25th. Thank you!
As you know, we are working to get bingo started again. One of the things we need to do is create a web page so players can see jackpot information and other messages we need to let them know about. We need your help choosing the right color for our Bingo Logo. Please reply in…
Worthy Grand Knight, Sir Knights and Brothers and families all,This is really a special time as we approach the end of the year and our thoughts turn to themes of “Peace on Earth” and “Goodwill to Men!” We think of our Savior’s birth in Bethlehem and the beginning of this chapter of salvation history. Many…