Two New Monthly Programs to Support Those Most in Need


I am happy to announce that we will begin accepting donations at our monthly meetings for two worthy causes. Supreme’s new ASAP program and our local Moun Olive Food Pantry. So many of us donate our time and talent to our charitable goals. Some of us can, and should, donate some of our financial resources as well.

ASAP – Aid and Support After Pregnancy

Aid and Support After Pregnancy

With the Supreme Court Decision to reverse Roe v. Wade, there have been much-unjustified criticism against the pro-life movement regarding what happens to the mother and child after the baby is born without means of support. As Knights, we have always supported those in need after pregnancy. Now, more than ever we need to show our steadfast support for those mothers who choose life.

Supreme has recently announced a new program called ASAP, Aid and Support After Pregnancy. Supreme will donate $100 for every $500 our council gives to organizations that support mothers who choose life, up to $2000. We hope to maximize and exceed this opportunity in the 2022-2023 Columbian year.

You can read more about the ASAP program here.

Mount Olive Food Pantry

With inflation growing at record rates, our food pantry is experiencing exceptional demand. Charity begins at home. If you can, please consider helping our local community by supporting the Food Pantry.

We will accumulate the monthly funds until we can purchase gift cards at a bulk discount rate. Purchasing Gift cards at a discount lets your donations stretch further.

Please consider making a monthly donation, no matter how small or large, to these worthy causes. You can do this by donating at our monthly meetings or sending a check.

Check Address:

KofC 6100
Box 204
Budd Lake NJ 07828

Please mark ASAP and or Food Pantry on your check.

Let’s show the world that as Knights we stand with those who choose life and those most in need in our community!

Vivat Jesus!

Daniel Fuller
Grand Knight

There’s work to be done, let’s get to it!

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