July District Deputy’s Report

July 2022

Brothers, since my wife and I will be leaving shortly for our Passion Play Pilgrimage, being held in Oberammergau, Germany, including visiting Prague, Budapest, Vienna, Salzburg and Munich, I am not able to join most of you for your planning or business meeting. It was suggested that I jot down some notes as to what is happening and what events are coming up that you should be aware of. I thought this is an excellent suggestion. Accordingly, here are some things you should be aware of:

The Free Online Membership has been extended. The promo code is BlessedMcGivney, which is not case sensitive.

The Pilgrim Icon Devotion Program for the Diocese of Paterson will begin this month. This year’s icon is that of Saint Joseph, whose life should serve as a model for all men. The schedule for District 36 Councils is November 3 to 23, 2022. We can schedule Council times in August after I return from the Pilgrimage.

All Knights are being asked to support the Eucharistic Revival, a 3-year initiative of the USCCB, which began on Sunday, June 19th. As we are facing great challenges to our faith and core principles and there exists tremendous divisiveness in our Country and Church, it is critical for our families, our parishes and communities to support this project. As Knights we are asked to deepen our devotion to Jesus in the Holy Eucharist through prayer, faithful attendance at Mass and adoration, organizing Holy Hours, and leading Eucharistic Procession. Each council should work with their pastor and be ready to help our Bishop with their revival efforts. We are asked to watch a short video, The Eucharist: Source of Our Healing and Hope, that seeks to inspire us to renew and deepen our devotion to Christ in the Eucharist.

In addition to the Church and USCCB supported program “Walking with Moms in Need”, which we are all asked to support, Supreme has developed a program to work hand-in-hand with Walking with Moms in Need, called Aid and Support After Pregnancy (ASAP). For every $500 donated to a qualifying pregnancy resource center or maternity home (up to $2,000), the Supreme Council will make an additional $100 donation to that center or home. Please visit kofc.org/asap for detail.

Please review the Fraternal Leader Advisory for Webinars related to the above programs and other important Programs and Event information.

Peace and Blessings to all brothers and your families,



DD #36

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