Another Successful Blood Drive

On April 24th, our Council, led by Chairman Gerard Peterocelli, held a blood drive at the St. Jude Parish Hall. There was a great turnout and the drive was credited for 119 units of blood donated. That included 83 whole blood donations and 18 Alyx platelet donations. The Alyx donations count as two units. There were only 4 deferrals. These are great numbers.

Brother Dennis Mok (left) and Brother Gerard Petrocelli at the blood drive

“Over the last five blood drives, we have averaged around 150 donations,” said Gerard. “This average has been higher since the pandemic started”. Gerard attributes that increase in numbers to the fact that many places that have historically hosted drives have been closed. Our parish hall is large enough to host a drive and maintain social distancing.

We always receive positive feedback, both from the blood bank and the donors, on how our drives are run. Of course the breakfast that is served might help some with that!

The kitchen crew serving up breakfast

(left to right) Brothers Shaun Mikus, Mike Sebella and Wally Krake

The Worthy District Deputy Mike Leyden getting the star treatment

Left to Right Andrew Rodriguez , Steve Samarco, Mike Leyden and Pierre Kernizan

Our next Blood drive will be held on July 31 at the parish center. Please consider donating and volunteering to make it successful!

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