May Proposed Motions
Unfinished Business (Second readings)
Motion to spend up to $5,000 for bingo TVs and electrical requirements.
Motion to spend up to $1,500 for the June communion breakfast.
New Business
Motion to spend up to (need amount) for additional Bingo tables and chairs.
Motion to spend $250 to sponsor a half page ad in the ad journal for Jim Sweeney (Wiegand farms classic).
Motion to spend $500 to sponsor four people to attend the Wiegand farms golf outing.
Motion to spend $500 to buy and donate reusable bags to the Mount Olive and Paterson food drives.
Motion to donate $500 to Amyloidosis Research Consortium (to improve the lives of people with a rare disease that moves your thyroid)
Motion to allocate up to $5,000 for blood drives for the 2023-2024 columbian year.
Motion to spend up to $5,000 for the Haitian school
Motion to spend up to $1,500 for the faith kitchen.
Motion to donate $1,200 to the Mount Olive food kitchen
Motion to donate $1,200 to the St Joseph’s home for the elderly
Motion to spend $12,000 for the monthly parish center payments
Motion to spend $2400 for the monthly meetings
Motion to spend $300 a month to support PJ Farrugia in his FOCUS program
Motion to donate $500 to the NJ KOFC State Squires Tank Pull.