Stations of the Cross – Save the Date
Our Council will be leading the Stations of the Cross for St. Jude on Friday, March 1st at 7:00 PM. Please put this on your calendar so that we have good representation.
Thank you
Our Council will be leading the Stations of the Cross for St. Jude on Friday, March 1st at 7:00 PM. Please put this on your calendar so that we have good representation.
Thank you
The highlights of the Business Meeting of November 10th held at St. JudeParish Center and via Zoom are as follows: (14 members physicallypresent, including District Deputy Michael Leyden, and 3 members viaZoom).The following motions were presented to and voted upon by the Councilduring this Business Meeting:Unfinished Business:Motion 2021.15. Recorder Pierre Kernizan read the motion for…
Fr. Joseph A. Cassidy Council 6100 Business Meeting February 21, 2022 Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 7:34 pm by Grand Knight (GK) Joe D’Anna. Warden’s Report All present were in possession of a current membership card. Opening Prayer Opening prayer was led by GK Joe D’Anna. Pledge of Allegiance Salute…
Bishop Strickland calls for ‘the pastor’s approach’ to make known to any pro-abortion ‘Catholic’ politician or public figure that their words and actions are contrary to Church teaching.Thu May 6, 2021 – 11:35 am EST May 6, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) — In the latest episode of The Bishop Strickland Show, Bishop Joseph Strickland of Tyler, Texas, says that…
National | Micaiah Bilger | Sep 30, 2021 | 5:41PM | Washington, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez bashed a prominent OB-GYN on Thursday during a U.S. Congressional hearing, asserting that she, a former bartender, knows more about pregnancy and abortion than a doctor with three decades of medical experience. The Democrat congresswoman criticized…
Wow!! Twenty-Four + Years In July 1996 John Girvin became Grand Knight of our Council. He was editor of our newsletter since taking over the task from Bill Nolan in August 1992. One evening in early July 1996 John invited me to his home to ask if I was interested in becoming editor of our…
Worthy Grand Knight, Sir Knights and Brothers and families all,This is really a special time as we approach the end of the year and our thoughts turn to themes of “Peace on Earth” and “Goodwill to Men!” We think of our Savior’s birth in Bethlehem and the beginning of this chapter of salvation history. Many…