Protecting Religious Liberty in State Constitution

By Lathan Watts / May 04, 2021 Arkansas voters will get a chance to enshrine religious freedom in the state’s constitution following passage by the state’s General Assembly of SJR 14. (Photo: Amanda Wayne/iStock/Getty Images Plus) COMMENTARY BY Lathan Watts Lathan Watts is director of public affairs for First Liberty Institute, a nationwide law firm dedicated to…


Brothers All! Please take a moment to go to the following site to tell our U.S. Senators Booker and Menendez to oppose all funding in the COVID relief bill that would fund Abortion. ALERT: Oppose abortion funding in COVID relief bill  – Contact your Senators today!

Equality Act – Urgent need to contact your legislators

Brothers All! There is an urgent need for you to contact your legislators. See below sample letter you may want to use or write your own. Either way, it is important to act ASAP as the legislation will be voted on soon! Gerry Kaufhold Dear Senator Menendez/Senator Booker/Congressman Molinowski/Congresswoman Sherrill I want to congratulate you…

The World Needs Knights 2/8/2021

Deputy Supreme Knight Patrick E. Kelly addressed the Feb. 5 meeting of the Knights of Columbus Board of Directors, during which he was elected the Order’s 14th Supreme Knight. Below are excerpts from his remarks. THIRD-GENERATION KNIGHT“Inspiring the next generation of Knights is personal for me. I am a third-generation Knight. My grandfather joined the…

Good News and Bad News

First the bad news! There is little we can do to stop the Biden administration from issuing pro-abortion executive orders such as not renewing the “Mexico City Policy” which prevented taxpayer funding of foreign organizations that perform or provide referrals to obtain an abortion. Now the good news! 48 senators: will vote to block any…