Knights of Columbus

Knights of Columbus Fr. Joseph A. Cassidy Council 6100 Business MeetingOctober 18, 2021 Fr. Joseph A. Cassidy Council 6100 Business Meeting October 18, 2021 Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 7:34 pm by Grand Knight Joe D’Anna. Warden’s Report All present were in possession of a current membership card. Opening Prayer…

Neurobiology Professor Confirms Unborn Babies Feel Pain When Killed in Abortions

After nearly 50 years of legalized abortion on demand, scientists now have an “enormous body of data” confirming that unborn babies can feel pain as early as 12 weeks of pregnancy, according to a professor of neurobiology at the University of Utah. Writing at National Review, Professor Maureen Condic said scientists understand much more about…

Christmas Wreath Fundraiser – Remaining Items for Sale

Worthy Brothers, Thank you for your participation in the Annual Christmas Wreath Drive Fundraiser. All proceeds from your purchases and donations will be dedicated to food supporting local families in need! If you have not yet participated in this event and still wish to do so, it’s not too late. With the necessity to purchase…

Catholic and Pro-Life Resources

Relevant Radio (Great Catholic Programming and Resources) Highly Recommend Search relevant radio on your smart phone to get App On your computer – Relevant EWTN – Radio and TV programming  E-mail news sites LifeSite News  – – The Loop from CatholicVote – New Jersey Right to Life – website…

100 ways to be Pro-Life

Excerpt from 100 Ways to Be Pro-Life – Held By His Pierced Hands I am pro-life. I’m not just pro-birth or anti-abortion. I’m pro-life. That means I’m pro-babies and pro-elderly and pro-immigrant and pro-disabled and pro-peace. I’m anti-poverty and anti-discrimination and anti-hatred. I vote against abortion and against capital punishment and against toxic waste. I…

People were pro-‘choice’ until they watched a video of an actual abortion

‘The video that you guys showed me has changed my mind.’ A woman interviewed by Live Action expresses her views on abortion before watching a video of the dismemberment actually being done.     (LifeSiteNews) — A powerful video showing how second trimester abortions are performed has been used by pro-life organization Live Action to show pro-choice Americans what abortion really is — and…

Democrat House leaders called the hearing but didn’t expect this!

National  |  Micaiah Bilger  |   Sep 30, 2021   |   5:41PM   |  Washington, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez bashed a prominent OB-GYN on Thursday during a U.S. Congressional hearing, asserting that she, a former bartender, knows more about pregnancy and abortion than a doctor with three decades of medical experience. The Democrat congresswoman criticized…