Christmas Party Setup
Brothers, We will begin setting up for the Christmas party at 12:00 on Saturday. If you have some time, please come over and give us a hand for a little while. Thank you!
Brothers, We will begin setting up for the Christmas party at 12:00 on Saturday. If you have some time, please come over and give us a hand for a little while. Thank you!
We need to get a headcount by Friday 11/25 to order food. Our Council Christmas Party is on December 3rd at the Parish Center. This will be our first Christmas party since 2019! It would be great to see you there. We are inviting all Knights, prospective Knights, friends of the Council and their significant…
Our Christmas party is at 7:00 on December 3rd at the parish center. Please use this link to respond to the RSVP by Friday November 25th. Thank you!
I want to take a moment to thank all of you for your hard work, support and friendship. This has been my first few months as your Grand Knight, and you all have made it easy. We have had our challenges, but we have worked together to overcome obstacles. I am thankful for the officers,…
Our Council Christmas Party is on December 3rd at the Parish Center. This will be our first Christmas party since 2019! It would be great to see you there. We are inviting all Knights, prospective Knights, friends of the Council and their significant others. Please use this link to respond to the RSVP by…
Please visit the holiday bazaar this Saturday from 9-4. There will be a lot of vendors to buy your Christmas gifts from. Please come and support the Squires and the Vendors who paid for their spaces.
Anyone interested in going to the Respect Life Mass at the cathedral on Saturday 11/19 should meet in the church parking lot at 9:00. We can carpool from there. Mass starts at 10:00.
October 17, 2022 Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 7:36 pm by Grand Knight (GK) Dan Fuller. Warden’s Report All present were in possession of a current membership card. Opening Prayer Opening prayer was led by Grand Knight (GK) Dan Fuller. Pledge of Allegiance Salute to the flag was led by…
Brothers, There will be a Respect Life Mass at St John’s Cathedral in Paterson at 10 am on 11/19. Bishop Sweeney will celebrate the mass. This is a Paterson Federation event and I hope you can help represent our Council and show our support. Dan
Reminder, this month’s business meeting will be held this Monday at 7:30 in the parish center. Please consider joining us at 7:00 for the rosary. Hope to see you there.
The email that was previously sent out was wrong. The date for the Council Christmas party is December 3rd. Hope to see you there.
Brothers, We will be having our Council Christmas party on Saturday, December 3rd at 7:00 PM. This will be the first one since Covid. I am looking forward to us all getting together to celebrate Christmas and getting back to work in a fun way with our wives or significant others. Don’t bring both, that…