June 2023 Proposed Motions
Second Reading (Unfinished Business)
- Motion to allocate up to $5,000 for Blood Drives for the 2023-2024 Columbian year.
- Motion to spend up to $5,000 for Lasserres Own Hands.
- Motion to spend up to $1,500 for the Faith Kitchen.
- Motion to donate $1,200 to the Mount Olive food kitchen for the 2023-2024 Columbian year.
- Motion to donate $1,200 to the St Joseph’s home for the elderly.
- Motion to spend $12,000 for the monthly parish center payments @$1,000 per month.
- Motion to spend $2,400 for the monthly meetings.
- Motion to spend $300 a month to support PJ Farrugia in his FOCUS program for the 2023-2024 Columbian year.
Proposed Motions
- Motion to donate $500 to women’s cornerstone.
- Motion to donate $200 to the Andrew M. Petre Memorial Fund supporting the American Diabetes Association.
- Motion to spend up to $8,000 to replace the parish center bingo dashboards.
- Motion to spend up to $1,400 for food and refreshments for our 2023-2024 meetings.
- Motion to spend an additional $650 on blood drives for the 2023-2024 Columbian year.
- Motion to start an annual $1,000 scholarship for high school students entering an accredited trade school.